Thyroid Cancer Symptoms & What You Need to Know

thyroid disorder

What is Thyroid Cancer?

Thyroid cancer is caused by the growth and presence of abnormal cells in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is an organ situated at the front of your neck and resembles the shape of a butterfly interestingly enough. It is responsible for the production of hormones and regulates how your body utilizes energy that aids in the proper functioning of your body.

thyroid disorderAnd one of the thyroid problems to be aware of is thyroid cancer.

  • Since thyroid cancer is relatively uncommon, less is known about thyroid cancer symptoms when compared to other forms of cancer.
  • The good news is once thyroid symptoms are spotted (and they can be spotted early), it is not difficult to treat the disease.
  • It is important to mention that thyroid cancer may at times recur several years after initial treatment has been successfully completed.
  • Statistics have indicated that women are more likely to suffer the signs of thyroid cancer compared to their male counterparts.
  • Also, thyroid cancer is common in those of Asian heritage.

1Some Thyroid Cancer Causes?

The exact cause of thyroid cancer hasn’t yet been identified. However, like some other forms of cancer, cell DNA change is suspected to be one of the key causes of thyroid cancer.

  • Research has indicated that individuals exposed to high levels of radiation are more prone to getting thyroid cancer. For instance, people living near nuclear sites may be at a higher risk of suffering from thyroid cancer.
  • Family genes and family history have also been identified as some of the possible causes of thyroid cancer. A number of cases have been reported in patients who come from families with a history of thyroid problems and cancer.
  • People from families associated with a history of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) 2a, Familial Medullary Thyroidcarcinoma (FMTC) or MEN 2b are at a higher risk of developing thyroid problems.
  • Individuals who have had radiation treatment to their neck, chest or head when they were kids can suffer from post-radiation effects during their adult life which entails developing thyroid cancer symptoms.
  • Some inherited medical conditions running in the family such as Famalial Polyposis and Gardner’s Syndrome are common associated with thyroid symptoms. You can also inherit a gene that exposes you to MTC which stands for Medullary Thyroid Cancer, a rare form of thyroid cancer.
  • There are some who get thyroid cancer without exposure to any risk factors or history.


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