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By: Cory Yager, Ex-Police Officer and Award-Winning Atlanta DUI Lawyer Near Me for a DUI Atlanta GA First DUI in Georgia. Many potential clients facing a DUI charge in GA who are a first-time offender DUI, Georgia call our law firm voicing concern about Georgia DUI penalties and (if convicted) the DUI consequences. Their apprehension is well-founded, starting with the potential DUI license suspension GA due to a serious motor vehicle crime. What are the penalties for DUI in Georgia? Some cheap DUI lawyers in GA only talk about the low fine and the criminal defense attorney possibly being able to get the prosecutor to agree to no additional jail time for the clients that they intend to plead guilty. They explain taking the 20-hour risk reduction program. The low-cost lawyers answer questions that their clients ask, like, “What is the fine for a DUI in Georgia?” or “How long is the DUI license suspension Georgia?” Plus, the cheap DUI attorneys will focus on the fact that a limited driving permit will allow the person to drive to work and transport their children. The DUI sentence in GA, at least for those facing a true first offender DUI Georgia, are just a small “blip” on the radar. The TRUE cost of DUI in Georgia only becomes apparent later and can cost a person hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not millions) if future potential income. After ANY DUI ARREST, you only have 30 days to either appeal or opt for the 12-month IID (ignition interlock device) option. Free initial lawyer consultation to help protect your ability to drive, so call today at 404-567-5515. WARNING: Before we go further, to PROTECT your DRIVER’S LICENSE, let’s talk about requesting a hearing with the Georgia DDS, or opting to install (and exclusively drive) only one (1) vehicle with a 12-month ignition interlock device (IID) attached. You only HAVE 30 DAYS after arrest to do one or the other, to SAVE your driving privileges. So, call today for our FREE legal advice about what is BEST for your case. 404-567-5515. How much is Bond for DUI in Georgia? Each jurisdiction sets these amounts, and it is derived by assigning a bond amount for each traffic ticket. With just a single, minor traffic violation and a 1st offense DUI, this runs about $1800 to $2500. Some will naively ask, “What is the penalty for first offense DUI in Georgia?” or “How much is a DUI ticket in Georgia?” Little do they know that even a 1st offense DUI in GA never comes off your criminal history. DUI in Georgia; First Offense DUI; Even a 1st DUI never comes off your criminal record. Don't hire a cheap DUI attorney to plead you guilty. Fight to keep your record clear of any DUI convictions. How bad can a 1st DUI in Georgia be? Don’t underestimate the potential future damage of DUI convictions in Georgia. A first time DUI offense in Georgia can create employment, travel and opportunity barriers for your future. A conviction of a DUI in Georgia 1st offense carries a moderate criminal law punishment and little (if any additional DUI jail time. For driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs conviction, the DUI fine in GA is very moderate. However, the lifetime criminal record and resulting license suspension after a conviction on DUI charges can wreak havoc in your life. What is considered a DUI in Georgia? Initially, when DUI laws were enacted nearly a century ago, the State had to prove that the driver was rendered “less safe” to drive, due to the alcohol consumed. In the last 60 years, a second type of DUI called “DUI per se,” allows for a conviction when the driver is “over the legal limit,” as revealed in a post-arrest forensic breath or blood test. Being convicted of DUI is like dragging a ball and chain behind you to the rest of your life. Hire a true expert DUI lawyer to fight your DUI case. Is a DUI a felony in GA? A DUI first offense GA criminal violation will remain on your criminal record FOR LIFE. This is one of the only crimes for which the first offender act is specifically embargoed from being used. Because convictions under GA DUI laws cannot be expunged, including a first offense DUI, our DUI Atlanta law firm stays busy fighting all our clients’ driving under the influence offenses. The Georgia DUI law is found in O.C.G.A. 40-6-391. Below is a DUI chart Georgia infographic that covers not just a first offense DUI, but all levels of DUI punishment for felony or misdemeanor DUI in Georgia. This only covers Georgia DUI sentencing guidelines, for misdemeanor driving under the influence and for a 4th felony DUI, within ten (10) years. Yet, this graphic is merely an overview of court-related DUI punishments, not the “impact to life” costs. DUI chart Georgia created by William C. Head. He wrote the book on Georgia DUI Laws in 1995, and is still a co-author. If you get arrested in 2021 or 2022, the last thing you need in the Pandemic is to be prevented from getting your ideal job, because you have a DUI in GA on your record.. Georgia DUI Laws: What Happens When You Get a DUI in Georgia? Not only can violating DUI laws Georgia affect your car insurance premiums, but your entire insurance rating (e.g., for life insurance) can be affected. So, the list of DUI penalties Georgia creeps into your pocketbook in many ways, and for many years. By contrast, a boating under the influence (BUI) Georgia has no impact on your GA DDS driving privileges. However, a conviction for a Georgia BUI charge can cost you the ability to operate a vessel of any type, for a full year.

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