Cervical Cancer: 10 Warning Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Cervical Cancer Signs

Cervical cancer has a survival rate of up to 92% when diagnosed and treated during the early stages.*  And most important to note is that approximately 90% of cases can be diagnosed early via PAP and HPV tests.

Cervical Cancer Signs

So what should you be looking for and what are some of the symptoms to be aware of?

1Leg Pain


The Early stages of cervical cancer have several symptoms that you need to be aware of.  One of the first that some women experience is swelling and pain in the legs. When the cervix swells it can lead to an obstructed blood flow, which eventually causes the leg to swell and gives a sore, painful sensation.

Vaginal Discharge and Odor

vaginal odor


There are very few women that haven’t experience vaginal discharge at some point! Having small amounts of clear discharge without color or odor is a normal part of a female’s life. However, if the amount of vaginal discharge increases, has a bad smell or odor, or has any type of irregular appearance, it could be a sign of the onset cervical cancer.



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